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polishing creativity through culture and narrative.

Atelier YenAn is a boundless, ever-shifting sea, its endless horizons embracing limitless possibilities. We focus on the origins of unique creations, delving into their essence and questioning the core of all that moves. Through culture and storytelling, we distill creativity, building a shared vision of the future with our community.


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LIGHT UP : Projection Mapping Design

南村有光 光雕投影設計
2022臺北市政府graphic design

‘Only by facing the waves can we be washed into a more resilient being.’

‘Only by facing the waves can we be washed into a more resilient being.’ ‍ The Military Families Community Park, literally translated into ‘Four Four South Village’, is a former military dependents village. After the Chinese Civil War, the ROC government moved to Taiwan. The village was built for people to start a different life in this beautiful island. In this project, their stories were transformed into waves of light that comes and goes, just like how the time passing formed this village as how it is now.

《 沿岸海浪寫歷史 》

四四南村與四面環海的我們一樣時刻面臨著挑戰和未知,而唯有直面浪潮,才能夠洗滌成更堅韌的面貌。 ”國共內戰國民政府遷臺,隨之來台的人民開啟了不同的一生,也包含了生活在四四南村的居民。他們的故事如同一波波的浪潮拍打著我們的生命,本次希望透過光雕,讓大眾認識四四南村,也吸引更多人前來認識眷村文化。

The Concept

The village has different cultural contexts due to its history backgrounds. Therefore, the structure of the concept focused on presenting the changes in ‘people’ following the axis of time. With the 6 verses, it is shown that how the village was transformed into a new life, from all the conflicts, reflections, reductions in the past.


四四南村早年為眷村,於不同的時空背景中擁有不同的文化脈絡,故策展以時間的軸線為核心討論時代更迭中「人」的心境變化,從 昔時、衝突、落腳、生根、消逝再到重生,敘述與呈現四四南村過去到現在的形變與革新。

The Design

The visual design integrated both abstract and practical elements into the clips, together with the background music that collected the real sounds. The layers of elements built the continuous waves that brought the memory of the village into life, leading the audience to experience the changing, eroding and the whispering.



The New Life

We saw the history of the village from the projection. And also we saw how people gathering again in this same place. The pieces of the past memories were intertwined with the current moment when the audience walked to the historical building, and was immersed in the light waves. That is also the moment when the village had its rebirth.



主辦單位 |臺北市政府、南山人壽、好丘
創意顧問 |BIOS 
製作團隊 |沿岸制作
導演 |陳彥安 
專案 |林柔雯
企劃 |葉芮伶
執行助理 |蕭鼎睿 
攝影 |楊峻翔 
音樂總監 |呂菱瑄
音樂製作|莊勝凱 、羅亦竣 、葉俋廷 、簡辰恩 、蕭奕甯 、簡昕蕊 、酆馥 (國立臺北藝術大學 音樂與影像跨域學士學位學程)
Organizer|Taipei City Goverment、Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd, Good Cho's
Agency |BIOS 
Production|Atelier YenAn
Director| Yen-An Chen
Project Manager| Zo Lin 
Planner| Lauren Yeh
Project Assistant| Steven Hsiao
Illustration & Animation| Ting-Hsuan Chang, Dan Zhang
Camera| Jun-Siang Yang
Music Director| Sophie Lu
Music/Sound Production|Sheng-Kai , Louie Lo, Yi-Ting Yeh,  Chen-En Chien,  Yi-Ning  Siao, Hsin-Jui Chien, Fu Fong ( Music and Image Trans-disciplinary Program)